Baldur's Gate 3: The Unexpected Consequences of Ignoring Lae'zel

Baldurs Gate 3 player reflects on the impact of omitting companion Laezel, leading to a githyanki-less storyline, altering key plot points, and questioning the significance of her absence.

Embarking on my 60-hour journey through the mystical realm of Baldur's Gate 3, I was completely engrossed in the unfolding narrative of this captivating role-playing game. It was an adventure filled with surprises and unexpected challenges, but one particular twist left me both astounded and contemplative.

It all began when, after hours of exploration and battles, I encountered my first group of githyanki warriors beneath Elfsong Tavern. This encounter was meant to be a brief foray, a minor detour in my grand odyssey. However, it transformed into an arduous struggle as I found myself repeatedly bested by the formidable gith warriors. Their psionic prowess and martial prowess were simply awe-inspiring. They effortlessly stood toe-to-toe with my Dark Urge monk, even with the formidable power of an unholy blessing on my side.

As I grappled with these enigmatic foes, it dawned on me that I had not encountered a single githyanki since parting ways with Lae'zel, the fierce and determined companion I had met early in the game. By neglecting to track down Lae'zel in the game's opening hours, I had unintentionally omitted a critical element of Baldur's Gate 3: the entire gith storyline. Consequently, I remained oblivious to the existence of the gith crèche and the looming threat of Vlaakith's army, which typically cast doubt on the intentions of the enigmatic Guardian.

In my unintentional neglect of Lae'zel, I had inadvertently crafted a version of Baldur's Gate 3 where the gith were reduced to mere alien creatures lurking beneath the city, devoid of their compelling narrative significance. Surprisingly, I found it rather satisfying to tear through their lair without her presence.

However, it wasn't until I embarked on a new playthrough that I realized the depth of Lae'zel's impact on the main storyline. In many ways, she appeared to be the linchpin of Baldur's Gate 3's overarching narrative. Notably, she was the first non-brain creature I encountered, and her presence was non-negotiable during the early stages of the game. While other companions like Shadowheart could be rescued later, Lae'zel's absence was keenly felt in her stark absence. In my eagerness to explore different paths, I had inadvertently bypassed her entirely.

As the events of Act 1 unfolded, I couldn't help but notice that nothing seemed amiss despite Lae'zel's absence. The term "githyanki" was never uttered, and Shadowheart's racially charged remarks about them remained unheard. My journey did not lead me to Waukeen's Rest or anywhere near the Mountain Pass, as I had chosen to head straight for the Underdark following Halsin's pivotal choice between two pathways. Consequently, the gith crèche and its enigmatic inhabitants remained uncharted territory for me. This meant that I never crossed paths with Kith'rak Voss, never learned about the githyanki rebels, and never experienced the aftermath of betraying Vlaakith at the conclusion of Act 2. In my Lae'zel-less adventure, I strolled into Baldur's Gate without any hindrance, encountering not a single dignified nose in my path.

Without Lae'zel by my side, my story remained laser-focused on my Dark Urge journey. The decision to accept or reject my birthright as Bhaal's Chosen was a weighty one, but regardless of my ultimate choice regarding the Netherbrain, I needed the Emperor's assistance to reach it. It was Lae'zel and the gith rebels who sowed the seeds of suspicion regarding the Emperor's true intentions. However, oblivious to their plight, I found the tentacled protector to be a reliable ally. Even as my party expressed distrust towards our mind flayer guardian, I dismissed their concerns with unwavering confidence.

I began to suspect that I had missed out on something substantial when Raphael presented me with a tempting offer: the Orphic Hammer to liberate an imprisoned gith prince from the astral prism, in exchange for the Crown of Karsus following my confrontation with the Netherbrain. But why would I want to free Orpheus?

To my limited knowledge, Orpheus was the key to preventing my party and me from sprouting ominous suction cups from our heads. Although this sounded significant at the time, I accepted the offer without fully comprehending its implications. Subsequently, I infiltrated the House of Hope to break my own contract, leading to a memorable showdown with Raphael. However, this venture proved entirely pointless when I chose not to use the hammer before the final confrontation with the Netherbrain.

Instead, I willingly allowed myself to be transformed into a mind flayer, forging an alliance with the Emperor. Without Lae'zel to provide a counter-narrative, there was simply no reason to resist. Although I was offered one last opportunity to redeem myself and vanquish the Netherbrain, I stubbornly chose to enslave it in the name of Bhaal, resulting in the devastating destruction of Baldur's Gate. In this Lae'zel-less world, her fate remained sealed in a cage in Act 1.

In retrospect, it is astonishing to consider the profound influence that a single companion, Lae'zel, exerted on Baldur's Gate 3's central storyline. Her absence effectively excluded the entire githyanki subplot, rendering characters like Raphael, the Crown of Karsus, and the Mountain Pass inconsequential to my adventure. While it might appear that I locked myself out of some incredible in-game moments, I contend that Lae'zel's absence was justified in my particular playthrough. The Dark Urge storyline, in my view, represented the "canon" path of Baldur's Gate 3, elevating the stakes to a level far beyond that of a standard original character playthrough.

In light of my newfound awareness, I cannot help but wonder how Lae'zel's presence might have enriched or complicated my journey. Perhaps her deadpan gith influence would have deterred me from embracing my destiny as Bhaal's Chosen. Maybe I would have allowed Shadowheart to exact her own form of justice on Lae'zel at camp. One thing remains certain: my heart, cold and murderous as it may be, was not inclined to assist an entire race of enslaved aliens without the guiding hand of Lae'zel.

In the grand tapestry of Baldur's Gate 3, my Lae'zel-less adventure might be perceived as an anomaly, but it was a unique and enlightening experience that showcased the game's dynamic storytelling. Whether it was the most embarrassing death in Baldur's Gate 3 remains open to interpretation, but it certainly underscored the pivotal role played by companions in shaping the narrative and altering the trajectory of one's journey.


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